After having to deal with another screw up that a big corporation's account department made on my account, it got me thinking again how we are in the 21st century where should be easier to detect and quicker to respond to fix the problem. Yet the opposite is the case. With all the subcontracts and disconnected divisions within a corporation it is amazing that anyone can find out or do anything
How do you decide on an accountant ? There is a lot to choose from.I can save you the time in choosing. TJK Accounting Services a full service accounting practice. From the daily and monthly bookkeeping to payroll management as well as preparing the working papers, reports, and tax returns(personal and corporate).More than 20 years of experience working with all kinds of small and medium sized
In The SwingBy CliveGolf BallsI used to tease the heck out of my Dad for using old golf balls when hitting over water. But he did it anyway. Parents never listen. My Dad would get to a water hole; a hole where the shot needed to carry a pond or a creek. Into his bag he would go and out would come the oldest, the yellowest, the flakiest golf ball you could ever imagine. The only way it could have
I would like to introduce you to a new contributor to the blog. Clive, a golf instructor for nearly 20 years, who now writes full time about the game. He will be submitting a weekly column - in the swing. Advice and tips for all you avid golfers.You too can be a contributor of helpful advice. Send me an email from the contact form on with details about your